New Feature: Edit VMP XSite Client Due date directly in the Mercury Network order

The latest update adds the ability to edit a VMP XSite order’s Client due date directly in the Mercury Network order, which saves time on a common task. There’s more to this release, so read on for the highlights and check the release notes for complete details.

Edit VMP XSite Client due date in the Mercury order

client due.png

To streamline your workflow, we’re continuing our initiative to reduce the tasks VMP XSites users have to do in Business Management. Now, you can edit the Client due date directly within Mercury Network. Just like the Client fee and Vendor due fields, you can click the link in the Client due field and set a date along with a comment. When you do, the audit trail will be updated and the new date will be reflected on the client’s order.


Lenders can resume orders assigned to an AMC

When a lender’s order is assigned to an AMC and has a status of On Hold, the lender can resume the order by selecting the Resume status in Mercury Network, no matter who placed the order On Hold.