We want to make sure you know about this Mercury Network feature which was designed to save you time on every commercial-valuation order. After you enable it, all your engagement letters—unique to each commercial product, and complete with details from the order—will be automatically delivered to the appraiser, recorded in the order’s history, and preserved alongside other order documents. Here, we’ll show how you can use this automation to streamline your valuation or due-diligence workflow without increasing costs.
The power of this tool relies on two features in Mercury Network: First is the ability to create document templates to suit the commercial products you use in Mercury, second is the option to automate the delivery of those documents to vendors who are assigned to your commercial orders.
Set up document templates to suit your commercial lending program.
In Product Requirements, click Document templates to create and edit your engagement-letter templates.
In Preferences -> Product Requirements, you’ll see a toolbar button called Document templates which lets you configure as many different types of templates as you need. For instance, if you want to send a different engagement letter for a commercial appraisal vs. a commercial evaluation, you would create a document template for each of those products.
The template editor offers a production-ready engagement letter you can start using right away.
There are built-in templates which are perfect for most cases and already include the merge fields that pull data from each order into the engagement letter. You can also use your existing engagement letters by copying and pasting them into the template editor, then adding the required merge fields.
If you’re already ordering commercial products in Mercury Network and would like to start creating templates right now, click here for a quick walkthrough, or Client Relations will be happy to provide expert assistance when you call 1-800-900-4954. You can also click here to schedule a half-hour consult at a time that works for you.
Automatically deliver engagement letters for commercial valuation orders.
Double click the product name in Product Requirements to see these options.
The next component of this feature determines which template is delivered based on the valuation product being ordered. For example, you can set the default Commercial statement of engagement template to be delivered on any order for a Commercial Appraisal Report. Then, set another template, such as a customized Commercial Evaluation statement of engagement template to be included on orders for any Commercial Evaluation products. This way, your engagement letters automatically accommodate any distinct requirements for individual products.
Ready to start using Mercury Network's commercial-valuation features in your workflow? Talk to Brian.
Brian Hedges is Mercury Network’s commercial-valuation expert who can tell you more about this feature and the other tools available in Mercury to help streamline your commercial workflow.
1-800-434-7260 x133
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