Newly available custom QC rules, performance gains, improved Make a Payment page — Mercury Network

Newly available custom QC rules, performance gains, improved Make a Payment page

In this update, we released two new custom rules, based on your feedback, which can improve your QC workflow. There’s also improved performance for your Action Required folder, and a small change which should result in a better experience for the borrower. Read on for the highlights, and see the release notes for the complete details.

New custom rules

These two new rules are designed to help you automatically focus your quality-control efforts on potentially risky reports, while accommodating the specific needs of individual clients. The first rule lets you specify a QC folder in Mercury Network where orders will be routed based on the Collateral Underwriter (CU) Score, and this can be controlled for individual client groups as well as globally. Similarly, the second new rule lets you configure order routing to QC folders based on the Loan Collateral Advisor (LCA) Risk Score, again per client group and for all orders. By using those scores as a criteria for further review, the intent is to enable a fast, efficient quality review while mitigating risk according to each of your client’s specific profile. To start using these rules, contact Client Relations or your Account Manager.

Improvements to the Action Required folder

You let us know about an issue which sometimes caused the Action Required folder to time out or “hang up” when trying to view its contents. We apologize because that’s frustrating, and not the way it should work. But, we’re happy to tell you that, after the changes we made (and a lot of testing) it’s performing much better. As always, if you experience a repeated issue like this, we want to hear your feedback so we can fix it.

This small change could make a big difference for the borrower

When a borrower has entered their credit card information on the Make a Payment page, their expectation is that they’ve paid for their appraisal and shouldn’t receive any more “payment required” notifications. But, there were cases when the transaction was not immediately charged by the AMC, which resulted in another notification being sent to the borrower. We changed this behavior so those “extra” notifications are eliminated, reducing confusion and making the borrower’s lending experience as smooth as possible.
